5 Benefits of Using Email Drip Campaigns

5 Benefits of Using Email Drip Campaigns 1

Email drip campaigns allow you to send a set of marketing emails when a customer sets off a trigger. A trigger is an action performed over an email you send. This action is pre-defined in an email campaign and can be either an email open or a link click.

These automated emails offer companies a better way to connect with their customers and deliver the right information in a relevant and timely manner. Due to the timely, relevant, and targeted nature of drip emails, they offer a better conversion rate. Let’s see the 5 benefits of using email drip campaigns you will reap by implementing a drip email marketing strategy. With a little effort, you can garner increasingly positive results.

Boost engagement

Email drip campaign offer you a great way to engage leads more efficiently. Emails triggered based on the user’s input have a higher chance of getting an engagement, as they are more likely to be relevant to the user’s interest and are sent when people are gladder to see emails.

For instance, your customer may have bought a product. You can add this person to the list of the campaign recipients and the emails will be sent to them. The campaigns can be of educational content, so you send more information on the product to the users and teach them how to make the best use of the product.


When you are aware of the customer’s interests, you can send relevant suggestions and information to the customer. The content you send can offer the user a better understanding of your products. But that’s not all.

You may also introduce a new range of products or features that the users might be interested in. Next, you can guide them through a series of reviews of your products to really tell them what quality they will get.

Lead nurturing

Nurturing leads is one of the prime motives of drip marketing campaigns. There may be prospects who know about you but are not ready to buy from you yet. They might be in need of more information or need a little push before they decide to get your product.

Drip emails are one of the most effective ways to communicate with your potential prospects, answer their questions, tell them the benefits of your services, and address other issues that they might have over the course of several emails.

Increase brand awareness

A series of relevant emails keep brand awareness high. When a prospect is ready to buy something, they are more likely to ignore your competitors just because you’ve been paying so much attention to them for some time and you will probably be the first option they will consider. If brand awareness is high enough, these prospects might also recommend you and your service to others in their network.

It is a win-win situation with email drip marketing, as it allows you to effectively reach the audience while also building the essential relationships.

Re-engage with customers

Automated drip emails allow you to reach out to the customer base at any time. After some period of time, some customers might become inactive and not look at your new arrivals or services. You can create a campaign specifically dedicated to such contacts that have not interacted with your business over a period of time. With a simple “Miss you” message you can reengage clients and make them return to your service again.

Final chords

As you can see, drip emails are truly helping when it comes to interaction with leads and clients. Email drip campaigns tools are the ones to help you raise brand awareness, promote the product, re-engage clients, and boost engagement. They have lots of benefits, and also they are really easy-to-use. Due to the schedule and trigger features, your emails will always be to the point and the recipients won’t have the feeling of being spammed.

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