8 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content

8 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content 1
Writing and publishing blog posts on your own website isn’t good enough Remember! Your website is just one place people might discover your content. Content is everywhere today. It’s extremely competitive. Did you know more than 4 million blogs + posts are published daily? I have also seen people spamming over different social sites and forums to get traffic but does that work? No. Because no one likes spammers. On the other side, some bloggers are too shy to let others know about their latest post and think of getting traffic automatically. If you are too shy and afraid to share your articles thinking people will dislike it, Then trust me your mom and dad will be the only one reading your blog. Don’t close your laptop or computer and go to bed once you hit that ‘publish’ button. It’s where the real game starts. There are many ways to promote your latest articles or blog posts, and I have compiled a list of 45 blog promotion sites where you can promote your blog posts and get significant traffic to your website. I know You may a be a part of few of the below sites . But I am 100 % sure, you are unaware of many. Before sharing the list. here’s one very important rule to follow: Remember always deliver value on all your content and share others without expecting anything in return. I’m sure you’ll get something more beautiful from the audience. Let’s start Here are 8 places you should be sharing your content, from the mainstream to the niche.

1. Medium:

It allows you to republish your existing blog posts if you use their import feature, they even add a rel=canonical link, But you can also use Medium.com platform as a way to increase traffic to the full blog posts on your site. Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, to bring you the smartest takes on topics that matter. So whatever your interest, you can always find fresh thinking and unique perspectives on medium.

2. Reddit:

Reddit can be a worthwhile platform for sharing content, but it needs to be done the right way. Also is the front page of the internet world. It is the most active community over the Internet, and it has the potential to bring thousands of visitors a day on your website. Reddit users love the unique stuff and hate spam more than any other community. Also, they’re good at mocking There are also subreddits for almost every possible subject with some strict rules. If you break the law, you will be directly banned from the subreddit.

3. LinkedIn Articles:

Like Medium, LinkedIn allows you to publish your blog posts on your personal LinkedIn profile as LinkedIn articles. Although these LinkedIn articles currently don’t automatically add rel=canonical links, Research has shown that Google isn’t flagging these as Even they show up on duplicate content search sites like Copyscape. Because of their existing network on LinkedIn, many marketers have built up a strong subscriber base for their articles on the platform. Users can choose to subscribe to users article, meaning also they will get a notification every time that the user publishes something new. The only thing to remember while promoting on LinkedIn is to stay professional. Contents like crack software, hacking, won’t work here. Always try to be as personal as you can to get more likes and comments on your posts.

4.Email to Mentioned Sources Asking for A Share

It is the most effective method which you can use to get a ton of traffic from influencers having large numbers of followers. Many bloggers feel shy about emailing to the experts and feel that they will think of you as a spammer. But trust me it’s not the case. Even they were a noob someday, and they may have tried this email method. So, keep your shyness Aside and compose an email to influencers you have mentioned in your latest article. You will get ton’s of traffic and also a powerful do-follow backlink. heor she would definitely tweet about it. It also doesn’t make your email look spammy.


It is a website where you can share presentation files means ppt of your latest articles. Slideshare platform can bring a lot of traffic as it has a massive user base and daily active users. Also due to its high authority, SlideShare slides easily rank on the first page of Google for thousands of keywords giving a great chance of visibility. You can use powerpoint to make slides.

6.Viral Content Buzz

Viral Content Buzz is a site that can instantly turn your latest blog post to an internet sensation. I started using this platform actively last 2 months and with 5 minutes of work (by sharing other useful articles), I get shares from top bloggers in the industry. I highly recommend this platform if you’re a noob and want exposure for your articles. You can also buy the Viral Content Buzz credits to save time and increase your reach.


Tumblr is another social media blog platform to share images and posts. You can create your blogs where you can link your website and latest articles. Although it is not as popular as other social media platform, But niches like art and image-focused works pretty well here. Also, if you are into adult content, Tumblr is a great platform to explore.


It is a professional content curation site that gives the opportunity to you to share articles with a right set of individuals. You can start with a free account and learn how it works. I hope these 8 blog promotion sites will help you promote your latest blog post and get more traffic. Note: there are many other platforms you can share your content for traffic. Written By: wcchub.com
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