Applications of AR and VR and Why It Matters

Applications of AR and VR and Why It Matters 1

With the development of the Internet, it’s only natural that people want better sources of fun. With time, smartphones and tablets took over. That is when we realized that devices could become an integral part of our daily lives. Next thing we knew — augmented and virtual reality became our assistants day-to-day.

AR and VR have elevated the way we see things. One of the famous examples is the hurricane Florence representation. Another cool use of VR can be a home gym and, of course — video gaming. The latter is not as surprising, considering that Americans spent $35.8 billion on video games in 2018. Some of these expenses might go to the VR gaming market soon.

What’s more, Millennials, who are open to new perspectives and new technologies, will represent 75% of the global workforce by 2025. That means that we will witness the complete transformation of many work fields.

Read on to find out more!

Augmented Reality Uses

Augmented Healthcare

The healthcare industry is looking into augmented reality more and more. The potential of AR is meaningful for this field. Some of the AR technologies can provide medical staff with valuable information. When AR devices get included, medical professionals get to analyze information with ease.

Medical students enjoy the perks of AR as well. Students, for instance, get to practice surgical techniques with the help of AR. Doctors also use AR in their daily work. The technology helps them analyze scans and write out treatment plans much faster.

Augmented Military Services

The US military has been experimenting with the idea of soldiers using AR. AR devices help soldiers notice threats, find GPS data, and observe the battlefield. One of the best examples is this $400,000 helmet. The helmet enables pilots to see everything around them way beyond their field of vision.

Augmented Classroom

AR in classrooms can enhance learning and unleash students’ creativity. There is already a wide choice of AR apps that teachers can use in their classrooms. For instance, educators already use AR in virtual exhibits and virtual animal dissections. All in all, AR makes learning more appealing and fun.

Virtual Reality Applications

In 2019, more than 40 million US residents were already using VR at least once a month. It’s no wonder, as the US has the highest VR expenditure — $6.6 billion. There is one issue, though, and it’s user experience. First of all, VR equipment can be costly. Another thing is that bulky headsets might not be the perfect fit for many. There are also concerns about consumer privacy and data security. That aside, parents tend to worry about children getting exposed to inappropriate content.

Virtual Reality in Military

Both the US and UK military have already realized the potential of utilizing VR. As of now, VR made its way to many branches within the military. We are talking about the army, air force, navy, marines, and coast guard, to name a few.

VR brought military training to a whole new level. With its help, trainees can get to a range of locations and environments. Another perk of adopting VR is cutting down on expenses. That helps to reallocate funds for other purposes. On top of that, mental health professionals use VR to treat PTSD in soldiers returning from combat. Such therapy helps them readjust to everyday life.

Virtual Reality in Medicine

As mentioned before, mental health professionals use VR to treat soldiers with PTSD. That said, civilians can go for this Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy (or VRET) as well. Applications of VRET are quite extensive: from anxiety to phobias and depression. People who have tried this type of therapy attest to strengthening coping mechanisms. When it comes to phobias, VR is as helpful. It can help those struggling to come in contact with their fears in a safe environment.

VR has already changed the field of medicine — there is no denial in that! VR has helped health professionals gain new skills and enhance the already-present ones. With its help, medical professionals can practice procedures and surgeries. That, in turn, reduces the likelihood of making mistakes. On top of that, incorporating VR in medical training translates into reducing costs. That is beyond necessary for many institutions that operate on a tight budget.

Virtual Reality in Education

VR has become an integral part of many classrooms worldwide. Walking around the solar system or time-traveling doesn’t draw much attention these days. That said, did you know that VR is beneficial to pupils with autism? A tech company Floreo, for instance, created virtual reality scenarios. The scenarios help practice making eye contact, pointing, and building social connections! With its help, those with autism can practice as much as needed. What’s more, they can practice in a completely safe virtual environment. Others can join in too and interact with the help of a linked tablet.

The Future Looks Bright

By and large, the future looks bright for AR and VR markets. We are more than likely to witness a massive shift from PCs to standalone mobile VR devices. Oculus Go, for example, needs only a mobile app and WiFi connection to work. The lack of wires and physical connection brings the freedom of moving around. That freedom is what we miss out on with current devices.

Mirror worlds are another idea that will come alive in the future. Mirror worlds are VR worlds that can surround a user and overlap with or completely cover the real world. Pokemon GO only gave everyone a peek into the whole concept. Soon enough, users might sit in their office, put a headset on, and enjoy the ocean in front of them.

Another realm where VR can serve its purpose is communication. VR can work with eye-tracking and facial expression tools to provide seamless communication. Today’s devices lack human micro-expression reproduction. In the future, this will change, and the way people see others will improve.


Augmented and virtual reality can prove to be what we need to make our lives more comfortable. Both can enable us to enhance our worlds a little more. With their help, we can immerse ourselves in new experiences and develop skills. Without a doubt, a computer-generated environment will change our lives in the foreseeable future.

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