Are You Fit For A Graveyard Shift?

Are You Fit For A Graveyard Shift? 1

It’s almost the end of the day and weekend finally, so I am hoping to go home in a couple of hours. A whole week working 8 to 9 hours a day is exhausting and we as millennials look forward to weekends to hang out with friends or sleep in. Whether you like going out and partying with your friends or are more into staying in and binge-watching web series like Stranger Things, you look forward to the weekend and wish to just take off from work at lightning speed on the last working day in the week.
However, do you know that there are some people, who are about to start their shift at the end of the day? Yes, I am talking about call centre employees, who have to work the graveyard shifts to suit the requirements of offshore clients and their customers. These people work when everyone they know is probably sleeping and like nocturnal beings, they sleep during the day time.
While it is hard for them to practically socialize, considering their odd working hours. A lot of them hardly even get to interact with their own family members even if they stay at the same house. However, this job is made for you, if you have certain traits that most individuals lack. Graveyard shifts may be considered horrible but there are a lot of people who are really comfortable with this kind of schedule. Let’s take a look at some of the major traits that make you a perfect fit in a call centre that operates at night.

Night Owl

Have you ever been called a night owl or do you proclaim to be one then call centre jobs are made for you. Here is to the restless vampire heads and night wolves who are enchanted by the night time and who occasionally love to perform demonic rituals at the deadly hours, you guys have bright career prospects!

Just kidding, it’s not like everyone who stays awake late is somehow connected to the dark world. The thing is we as humans have different traits and strengths, which separates us from the crowd. A study I was going through said that people who stay awake at night are potentially a genius. So, if you are one of them then you might be an underrated genius.

Businesses that look for an offshore call centre to outsource want their resources to be available as per the working hours of their time zone. So, you might as well be a great resource to call centres that run international processes. This is one of the major traits that make you fit for an international call centre and if you got it then a well-paying call centre job certainly awaits you.

Love for Languages

Do you like reading books in foreign languages and are learning one too then why don’t you consider call centre as a career prospect? Language experts in international call centres are not just paid well, they have great growth opportunities to explore.

Businesses that outsource call centre to countries like India require a force of professionals who are fluent in languages like English, Spanish, and French. Considering the fact that they have customers who don’t speak any other language beyond their native language, for multilingual support these call centres require individuals who have a good hold on foreign languages.

In the era of digitization and globalization, being fluent in foreign languages can be an advantage for you, professionally. The knack on one or more languages can immensely help you in landing up with a decently paying job.

Passion to Grow

This is a major ingredient to succeed in any domain but when it comes to working night shifts, it takes a lot more than you can anticipate. Firstly, in your initial days, you might start loathing your job because your sleep cycle is getting disturbed and your social life will be pretty much non-existent.

However, as the days will cruise by, not just your body but also your mind will adjust to your schedule and gradually you will know how to get on with life without missing anything. To do so, you will have to have this passion to achieve success and be consistent in your efforts.

International processes offer growth both professionally and financially, so you have a good chance to succeed. Apart from this, everyone isn’t up for night shifts, which naturally reduces the competition. If you put in your best efforts, the chances to make it to the top within a few years are high.

These are just a few of the factors that make you perfect to work with industry giants based out of your country, who outsource call centre services to foreign lands. However, the choice is yours and you know what you want, so go ahead and follow your heart.

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