Facebook is changing news feed algorithm to show more from Family and friends

Facebook is changing news feed algorithm to show more from Family and friends

Facebook announced that it is changing the newsfeed algorithm to restrict publishers and to show more updates from family and friends. After this change facebook users will see less content from publishers and get more updates from Family and friends.

“Recently we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content — posts from businesses, brands and media — is crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect more with each other,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote in a post.

As we roll this out, you’ll see less public content like posts from businesses, brands, and media. And the public content you see more will be held to the same standard — it should encourage meaningful interactions between people.

Facebook was build with the idea to get connect with Family and Friends but in recents years it was seen that people are getting more content from Publishers or ad makers and people started scrolling without even look at the content. That is the reason this change was important in order to make a balance between post from people who matter and content from publishers.

By these changes there is a possibility that time spend by people on facebook will go down but according to Zuckerberg, people will spend valuable time on Facebook

“Now, I want to be clear: by making these changes, I expect the time people spend on Facebook and some measures of engagement will go down. But I also expect the time you do spend on Facebook will be more valuable. And if we do the right thing, I believe that will be good for our community and our business over the long term too.” — zuckerberg wrote in facebook post.

The changes rolling out now are intended to encourage people to interact, which would theoretically help them walk away feeling less crummy.

Digvijay Tiwari: