Ford is using Microsoft HoloLens to design cars


Microsoft, a pioneer in technology industry, has done many inventions to make the life easy and convenient. From windows series OS to HoloLens. Everything is made the life simple and easy. Today in the era of digital transformation everything is being changed and being part of mixed reality. That shows the organization’s ability to innovate, collaborate and ability to make critical business decisions quickly..

Moving with the digital transformation, Microsoft and Ford collaborated to use Microsoft HoloLens at their design center to improve creativity. The announcement was made by Lorraine Bardeen — General Manager, Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Experiences in a blog post — “Ford is embracing the digital transformation of the modern workplace across the company to make people’s lives better in vehicles today while exploring evolving mobility solutions such as autonomous vehicles of tomorrow. Design will become an even more important differentiator in this exciting time and HoloLens and mixed reality are seen as key to standing out.”

How HoloLens Helping Ford

While designing a vehicle Designers need to make thousands of decisions to give it to final touch. Generally, all these works are done with clay model which is time consuming and costly.

HoloLens empowering designers to do more experiment with the design without any change in clay or physical model. They can do more iterations with the design to give it a perfect touch.

Moray Callum, vice president, Design

It’s amazing that we can combine the old and new – clay models and holograms in a way that both saves time and allows designers to experiment and iterate quickly, to dream up even more stylish and clever vehicles. Microsoft HoloLens is a powerful tool for designers as we continue to reimagine vehicles and mobility experiences in fast changing times.

Due to the highly confidential nature of vehicle design plans, designs are limited to a select few viewers. This makes collaboration across teams challenging. Engineers are often working to ensure fit and function without ever being able to visualize the full model design on which they are working. Using HoloLens, design and engineering teams across the company can more easily collaborate, without the risk of leaks of highly confidential designs – which happens to be one of the automotive industry’s biggest competitive advantages.

Elizabeth Baron, Ford virtual reality and advanced visualization technical specialist —

Microsoft HoloLens allows a whole team of people to collaborate, share and look at ideas together. It is exciting because it helps our designers and engineers communicate effectively and ideate to see the future earlier in the process by mixing virtual and physical models. This allows great freedom and efficiency in how prototypes are created or changed.

The idea of using HoloLens will going to change the automobile industry and its traditional way of designing vehicle. I am very sure about this.

Nikhil Goswami: