Google launched a new certification program for mobile web developer

Google badge

Image Source: Google

Mobile web development is very crowded market today and everybody wants to become specialist in this field. If you want to show yourself more eligible than others and a big entity into crowd this article is for you.

Google launched a new certification for Mobile web developers. Which include a four hour certification exams with an exit interview in which you can explain your coding approach. Once you will complete all the steps successfully, you will get an electronic badge.

The certification costs $99 (INR 6500 for India), and number of coding challenges along with 10 minutes of exit interview. In the exam, you can search internet for syntaxes but copy paste of complete function will not be allowed.

You can prepare for the exam with study guide provided by google .

Once everything is completed, You will have a certification badge on your resume and social media profiles. Video released by Google about application and exam process

# Exam Contents

Basic Website Layout and Styling

Build a web application’s responsive layout and style appropriate to the user’s device using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript without the overhead of libraries or frameworks (such as jQuery).

Front End Networkin

Use JavaScript to set up reliable front end networking protocols with appropriate error handling.


Use accessibility best practices to make web applications accessible to all users, including those with visual, motor, hearing, and cognitive impairments.

Progressive Web Apps

Create web applications that are available offline and provide a consistent native app-like experience.

Performance Optimization and Caching

Audit an application’s performance to reduce page load times and maintain responsive user experiences.

Testing and Debugging

Write unit tests that verify expected behaviors and diagnose common web application

ES2015 Concepts and Syntax

Implement ES2015 syntax to perform common JavaScript tasks.

Mobile Web Forms

Design efficient and secure web forms with basic HTML in order to improve the user experience.

# Attempts

If you have not cleared exam in first attempt, you can immediately take a second attempt. In case, you are not cleared the second one, third attempt can be taken after 2 month. If after three attempts you still have not passed the exam, you must wait six months. After six months, if you still wish to take the exam, you must pay for the exam before taking it again.

The Mobile Web Specialist Certification joins the Associate Android Developer Certification in Google’s family of performance-based certifications. Visit to get started and earn your Google Mobile Web Specialist Certification.

Source: Google blog

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Digvijay Tiwari: