How To Have A Conversation With Kids About Online Safety

How To Have A Conversation With Kids About Online Safety 1

The Internet is a wonderful place for kids to have fun and learn as well, but they may occasionally have to deal with a variety of challenging issues. Educate your child about online safety and invest in parental control app to create a safe world for them.

Why is the conversation about online safety needed?

Parents often ask their children to limit screen time, but they forget or sometimes neglect to explain to them about the potential threats associated with it.

Now when technology has become an indispensable part of our lives and your children highly rely on the devices, you, as a parent, must keep yourself updated about the latest developments.

Today’s kids are born with gadgets in hands, so they are naturally more familiar with the technology advancements than their parents. But their immaturity and inherent trusting nature make them vulnerable to the perils of the Internet, such as cyberbullying, online predation, identity theft, sexting, etc.

Ultimately it is the parent’s responsibility to have online safety conversations with their children to make them navigate the digital world smoothly.

How to explain Internet safety to your child?

As we have mentioned earlier, increase your knowledge about the advancements in technology. Keep updating yourself. Armed with the insight of the Internet, get ready to educate your children about Internet safety.

1) Start with the basics

If you would inform your kids about the dangers of the Internet and ask them to stay away, they might find you authoritative and become rebellious as a result. Instead, start by stating the benefits of the Internet.

For example, you can tell them how they will have an ocean of knowledge at their fingertips to help with their projects and assignments. Here you can mention that simultaneously, there will be distractions too, to deviate them from concentrating on the studies.

2) Explore the Internet together

You can show them the websites you like to frequent. Visit different social media platforms together and inform them about the age restrictions they apply. Tell them how they would be benefited if they use it wisely and how it can be dangerous when not taken care of.

You might come across a website having inappropriate content. Grab this as an opportunity to explain why you would not like the kids to use it. The key is – to involve them in the conversation all the time to make them feel involved in the decision making.

3) Ask them the questions

  1. How do your friends use the Internet?

Initiating with a neutral topic, divert attention from the child to actions in the network of kids from his company. If you have a strong relationship with your children, they would have a trust that they will not be punished if you find anything they mention as objectionable.

This way, you will know what activities they like, such as computer games, chatting or posting updates on social media, or about the assignments.You can use kids safety apps to apply a screen time control on the addictive apps.

  1. What websites do they find cool and trendy?

Ask your kids about what apps or websites their friends love the most and use frequently. Be prepared, as your child might mention something that you do not find suitable for them.

Discuss your reasons, share your concerns, and be ready to listen to their disagreement. Value their viewpoint and ask them to explain why they should be using that particular app/website.

  1. What are your favorite websites/activities online?

Ask your kids about their preferred sites and activities. Make a list and go through it together. If it is a game that they like, you can play along with them.

If you find any website or activity that might be threatening, ask them to stay away, and explain the reasons.

  1. What do you know about the risks of the Internet?

Ask your children if they or any of their friends have ever faced problems over social media.

Tell them about how cyberbullies, online predators can share children’s personal data online without their consent, which might embarrass or haunt them in the future. Share some real-life incidents with them.

4) Explain what they must do to ensure online safety

Now that you have made your kids aware of the online dangers, you need to define some rules and boundaries for Internet usage. Ask them not to share personal information online, avoid using public wi-fi, refrain from clicking on suspicious links.

You can use parental control apps to set a limit on your child’s screen time and block unsuitable apps. But, first inform and convince your child why you find it necessary, what the advantages are. Assure them that they can rely on you whenever they feel uncomfortable while using the Internet.

Educate your children about how to find a balance between life and the smartphone. Let them understand how big responsibility it is to use the Internet and handle social media accounts.

Use parental controls to safeguard your kids from the dangers of the Internet.

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