How to Keep Your Customer Service Team Motivated, During a Crisis.

Customer service

Do you like to motivate your team but you don’t know how? Are you wonder why you need to motivate them?

Your team’s motivation has a huge impact on your customers’ satisfaction. Don’t underrate the power of your customer service team. They are the backbone of your business’ success.

As a leader, motivating your customer service team is one of your top priorities. After all, motivation directly affects the productivity and satisfaction of your team, which influences the quality of work produced – and that impacts your customer relationships.

Some of the companies know that customer service is a crucial component of any business plan. They did hard work to deliver the best customer service. That’s what makes companies so successful.

There are several things you can do to motivate your customer service team:

Motivate Employees Morale

One of the best ways to motivate your customer service team is to increase employee morale. Motivating your customer service agents means understanding what is truly meaningful to them. Praising your employees is an efficient way to do this. The great thing about praise is that it’s free and simple to do. Praise your employees’ achievements as well as their improvement. Showing your appreciation to others can increase their motivation. Make sure to be objective when giving praise, particularly if you praise an individual in front of his team members.

Show you care

We rely on other peoples to bring importance to our lives. Something as straightforward as a quick “How are you doing today?” can truly make employees feel valued. Display an understanding that life extends beyond the working environment by being flexible where possible. Encourage employees to take breaks and advantages they qualify for.

Offer praise and celebrate achievement: Appreciate employees when they have done well.

Take some time to review progress: Schedule sufficient time for catch ups and focus on them.

Tell the whole company about their successes: Post positive remarks from customers on communal space. You could create a particular channel on Slack for example.

Organize Team-Building Activities

Team-building activities are important for boosting employee spirit and motivation. Customer service reps or team perform best when working for your organization becomes a core part of their identity. So, here’s how you can encourage them:

Use team-building exercises: Try something that requires collaboration, such as a QuizBreaker, Pictionary and Conference Call Trivia, etc.

Involve team members in decision-making: Consult customer service agents on their opinions to get a view from the front line. They likely could be in the best position to understand the wants, needs, and frustrations of customers based on their discussions.

Tell employees how their work fits into the business plan: Explain how what they do is important in achieving strategic goals.

Listen to What Your Customer Service reps are Saying

This is one of the best ways to improve employee spirit. Spend some time conversing with every one of your employees. This can give your insight into your business from individuals who are serving your customers. This permits you to brainstorm ideas from your staff in a casual environment. This will make your employees happier because they’ll feel that their voices are being heard.

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