Surefire ways to massively increase Instagram engagement

Surefire ways to massively increase Instagram engagement 1

The importance of social media is growing with every passing day. Interestingly brands on Instagram has 10% more engagement than Facebook and 83% more than Twitter; therefore, to make hay while the sun shines, every business is inclined to promote their Instagram engagement.

With the ever-evolving algorithms, getting quality engagement has become difficult. However, there are surefire ways that can boost the engagement organically. Every day more business join Instagram to foster business growth to maximize profit and attract the customers to generate more sales and leads. If you are a newbie and looking for some foolproof ways to boost the engagement naturally, then you have landed on a right page.

Let’s dive in!

Know how often to post:

Brands need to stay active to create a healthy relationship with the followers and boost engagement rates but how active? As per the best practices, one should post 1 or 2 posts daily on the best time to get more satisfying results. The best time varies as per the audience location. Though you can uncover the best time to post, on an exclusive feature for Instagram business account.  Make sure to identify the time when the most of your followers are active.

Explore the full range of video format:

The importance of video content in making your profile look more authentic and engaging is undeniable. Instagram recognizes the worth of video content and therefore offers a suite of videos to standout your business. The length of the video is crucial, and it varies. Like if you have something more significant to reveal, consider Instagram’s live video, and if there is some short, exciting story or gig of 60 seconds, you may share it in your feeds.

Wisely Use of Hashtags:

Using hashtags is essential to boost the engagement and get more likes, comments, or view naturally. Although it is preferred to use target or brand-oriented hashtags and try convincing the followers to do the same since making your branded hashtags accessible help business to be more successful. While avoid using the common or general hashtags like #pepsi, #girl. When you type a hashtag on the search bar, you can see how famous it is and how many people have previously used it.

Use SEO to Boost Instagram engagement:

SEO is vital to make an effective strategy to promote a highly competitive platform like Instagram. The factors that directly affect search engine optimization is @name – a specific you register with.

Remember, the Instagram algorithm has become smart enough to match the content with Instagram handle; if they have no direct link, the posts are not likely to be seen in the explore section. And then comes an account name that appears under a profile picture. It is also important to boost engagement.


Make the Bio Look professional:

People often forget the essential step to make the profile look more authentic and genuine: the bio. Makes sure the “Bio” is short yet convincing that can captivate the client attention moreover you can also place the link to your website, but if you are running a blog or has something exciting to share, you better update the links timely. Moreover, use your logo as a profile image and use professionally crafted pictures and description. Don’t preach on the descriptions rather use a friendly tone to make the readers read whole caption.

Don’t post anything irrelevant while sometimes it’s okay to fluctuate a bit from your line to make the content more exciting but use some promotional tactics as well to win the sale.

To build brand authenticity partner with an influencer:

For the businesses and people who have just started using Instagram can opt two ways to establish brand authenticity, the first is to pay a social media marketing company and buy Instagram likes Australia and the second method is to partner with an influencer. These marketers allow your voice to reach a wider audience. When these favourite Instagrammers align their authoritative voice with your brand, it makes your message more genuine and convincing.

User-generated content:

User-generated content is what we say an “Eagerly pursued” method for marketers to involve followers deeply with brands. It is the best approach to offer you more satisfying, and quality leads. You need to ensure that you professionally engage with the customers. Some brands due to limited time may not respond to their customers that impact adversely on reputation. It is recommendable to get some time to answer the customer’s queries in the comment section or direct messages.

Wrapping up:

Over ten billion people use social platforms every month. Social media channels urge people to buy your product and ultimately helps you in booming your business. Businesses gain excellent customer base from the various platforms; some may get brand recognition from Facebook while others may have more leads from the LinkedIn. Instagram is only one platform that has unstoppable growth and attracting the individuals and businesses alike.

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