TBT: See Our Top 10 Android Apps From 10 Years Ago, Get Depressed

When Android was younger, it seemed like great apps were releasing all of the time. As the platform has matured, things are more set in place now, with native Android actually doing a lot of what apps were trying to do all of those years ago. Take our list of top 10 Android apps from 2014 as an example.

The list features a lot of core Android memories for me, such as Muzei live wallpapers and Minima Editor, but there’s also Google’s Inbox email app, Fenix (a 3rd-party app for Twitter), and Sunrise Calendar. These applications were legit game changers on Android, making the entire platform experience better. However, when Google killed Inbox, they killed a part of us. When Twitter killed Fenix, it felt bad. And when Microsoft bought Sunrise to only sunset it soon after, it was depressing.

Here’s our list from 2014 in no particular order, including whether the app is now dead or not. Five of these apps are no longer around, while five are still up and running. For being a decade old list, that’s pretty good.

It’s hard to look at this list, think of our younger selves and not get slightly depressed. If you find yourself feeling down about it, though, here’s a reminder that Android is in a very good place and there are still many good apps out there. We’ve got awesome things like AI-powered photo editing with Google Photos and the cultural phenomenon that is TikTok, soon to be banned in the US. *facepalm*

Feel free to share your memories from 2014, a fantastic time in the Android world.

Read the original post: TBT: See Our Top 10 Android Apps From 10 Years Ago, Get Depressed

Original Story At https://www.droid-life.com/2024/04/25/tbt-see-our-top-10-android-apps-from-10-years-ago-get-depressed/
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