Youtube’s new Bumper Machine will automatically make shorter ads

Youtube’s new Bumper Machine will automatically make shorter ads

Advertising on YouTube is a great way to make leads for any Web application. Today, YouTube is unveiling a new Automated tool i.e., called “Bumper Machine” that creates longer ads using Machine Learning for Advertisers.

Back in 2016, YouTube introduced six-second Bumper ad format and current product is an enhancement to it.

With the Bumper Machine, YouTube advertisers can take their longer ad and have the machine pick and create a version that’s just 6 seconds long. Apparently, the machine looks for “key elements” such as a clear focus on a product or a voiceover, with a final call to action always at the end.

According to Techcrunch

Debbie Weinstein, Google’s  vice president of YouTube and video global solutions, acknowledged that there was some skepticism when Bumper ads were first announced, with advertisers wondering, “Can we actually tell our story in six seconds?”   

“We learned over time that creatives love constraints. They’ve historically been constrained to 30 seconds, and then 15 seconds, and constrained by whatever dimensions of a particular media format.”

The product is in alpha-testing that will lead to Beta-testing and then final product launch.

Weinstein suggested that Bumper Machine could be used by “many different advertisers of all shapes and sizes” — some of them might be smaller advertisers who want to create Bumpers with as little time and effort as possible, while larger brands and agencies may treat them as more of a “jumping off point,” which can be refined or serve as inspiration.

What is Bumper Machine

Bumper Machine is an automated tool that creates product ad automatically for YouTube. This uses Machine Learning to create ads.


YouTube started working on this project in 2016. Company then allowed only 6-second ad on “Bumper Machine” sold through the AdWords auction on a CPM basis. Bumper ads are ideal for driving incremental reach and frequency, especially on mobile, where “snackable videos” perform well.

Tags: google advertising youtube,youtube media player, googel adwards, machine learning youtube,youtube machine learning, SPOKEN by YOU

Digvijay Tiwari:

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