Choose the Right Keyword to Gain the Upper Hand in the Search Engine Optimization

Choose the Right Keyword to Gain the Upper Hand in the Search Engine Optimization 1

The search engine Optimization has rapidly evolved in the last few years where keywords play a decisive role in improving or declining the ranking of a website. In short, a keyword is an important phrase through which people find your site on different search engines.

Keywords are also ideas that inform users of what the content is all about. Of course, your aim is to generate higher ranking and create more brand awareness regarding your business.

If you want to achieve your goal, then you need to start with proper keyword research. Digital marketing experts believe that it is the basic foundation of any online marketing campaign. The main purpose of keyword research is to get an idea of what your target audience is searching for.

Keyword Research will also help you out with your content marketing, email marketing, and PPC campaign efforts delivering optimal results. It’s important to understand how to research keywords and maximize its usage.

The Changing Scenario of Keyword Research
The search on the internet has also undergone a sea change with the emergence of smartphones and other devices. In fact, the number of users conducting a search on more is comparatively much higher than those using desktops. It has created a huge influence on SEO and other digital marketing strategies. Also, with advanced technologies such as voice search, you don’t need to type the keywords but instead use your natural language to find results.

Google immediately tries to answer all their queries through the Answer Boxes. They are highly optimized relevant content. Please note that with changing trends in keyword research you just don’t need to optimize a single keyword or phrase to target a specific audience group.

Understanding the Different Types of Keywords
Before you begin your keyword research journey, it’s vital to have comprehensive knowledge of the various types of keywords.

Usually, the keywords are classified into three different categories-
• Head Keywords- This type of keyword is usually one or two words longer
• Body Keywords- They are mostly two to three-word phrases with a good research volume that is not very high or low.
• Long-Tail Keywords- These types of keywords are relatively popular with more than four or more words that have a low search volume. They help in generating the bulk of web traffic.

Apart from these three major types of keywords, you can also come across some other popular terms such as modifier and tail keywords, short, medium, and head keywords.

Important Note. The longer your keyword is, the better the traffic it will generate with low search results.

For example, if you just type the word denim, you will get millions of search results. If you type blue denim, the search results will get reduced to some extent. Finally, if you use the keyword best American blue denim shop in New York, you will get much more accurate results.

Latent Semantic Indexing
Have you heard about the term semantic keywords, which are associated with the latent semantic indexing? They are usually that help you decide what you are looking for with the help of word association.

For instance, if you type the word Titanic and hit the search button, Google will provide you with another search terms, where you need to decide whether you are looking for information on the ship or the blockbuster movie.

The Significance of Keyword Intent
The keyword intent has been identified as one of the vital features of paid searches in the digital marketing arena. It is an important aspect that attracts the right traffic to your site. If you want your PPC marketing campaign to start and get along on a successful note, it’s crucial to have a keen understanding of the intent behind visitor’s searches.

There are four types of keyword intent-
• Navigational – Internet users are looking for a specific website.
• Informational – Users search for an answer to a particular question
• Investigational – Here, the information gained by the user may be converted into a purchase.
• Transactional – Users are finally convinced to buy the product

Keyword Research Tools
The keyword research tools help in finding particular keywords as well as analyzing the performance of your website. They provide vital information on search volume, ranking difficulty, keyword value, and more. As such there are various keyword research tools such as Google Adwords Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, Soovle, SECockpit, and many more.

Using the Keyword at the Right Place in Content
One of the essential factors that you need to focus on is placing the keyword in the right place. It increases the visibility of the web page to your target audience. However, just throwing the keywords here and there on the page is not going to solve your purpose. There are a few important positions in the content or website where you can place the keyword in the right way. These may include URL, title tag, page content, meta description, headers, and subheaders, image alt text, file names, internal linking, meta keywords, and domain names, etc.

Summing Up the Discussion
And finally congratulations! Now that you have got a list of relevant keywords with the help of tools and analysis, it’s time to focus on choosing the right topics that define your business goals. You can even use an SEO template to organize the keywords and keep tracking of their ranking on different pages of the website.

Also, make it a point to evaluate the search results after every few months. Once you get a grip on the SERPs, you can add more keywords to the list for enhancing your web presence.