Your Google home is your message Broadcaster

Google home as broadcaster

It’s common in every house to ring a dinner bell or shouting for gathering in common area. Or the most common way is too calling individuals on phone. But do you know, you can use your Google Home as Intercom or in fact message broadcaster?

Yes, You can use your Google as message broadcaster with a simple command like “OK Google, Broadcast <message you want to broadcast>”.

Rolling out yesterday, the broadcast will be supported in English language in U.S., Australia, Canada and the U.K. and more language to come on board.

Now suppose, you want your kid to be gather in common area for dinner, let the Google home do it and tell “OK Google, Broadcast It’s dinner time” or you are leaving office for one the way to home then broadcast “OK Google, Broadcast I am on the way home” and this will broadcast on your home speakers.

To use the service it is mandatory to login all the Google home device or google assistant with one Google id.

# About Google Home

Google Home is a brand of smart speakers developed by Google. The first device was announced in May 2016 and released in the United States in November 2016, with subsequent releases globally throughout 2017.

Google home enables users to give voice command to interact with services through Google Assistant. It also works with in house and third party devices for smart home solutions.

Recently, Google launched a mini speaker with smart speaker capability named “Google home mini” in its mega pixel2 event on Oct 4th.

Nikhil Goswami: